This was a very special day! It was so nice to have all of those people there to celebrate with me. I want to thank aunty Lisa and uncle Trevor for being my sponsors, grandpa Kaiser for leading the baptism and for not getting mad when I chewed on his cross (sorry about that!), grandma Kaiser for making my gown... you sure spent a lot of time on that and it is beautiful, the Kaiser family for singing to me, Bread of Life Church for hosting the ceremony and luncheon, and all of the friends and family who came to see me.
I must say I really enjoyed the part with the water, it was cool and refreshing on my head on such a hot day. It all became just a bit too much for me near the end so I decided to have a nap. It looks like I missed all of the picture taking for that nap but I really needed it. Besides, it added to my angelic look don't you think?
I will really enjoy all of the wonderful gifts I got too. They are very meaningful and will help me grow up in the Christian faith. Thanks for welcoming me into the kingdom of God!