Now that I'm 5 months old I figured it was time for me to act like a big boy. I sit up on my own in my new seat, I play in my activity chair (I especially like to hear "the yellow lion story" over and over and over again), I play in the bath, I go out lots (shopping, to restaurants, and art festivals like the Cathedral Village Arts Festival and Bazart), and today, I ate some rice cereal for the first time! I'm still working on sleeping more, liking my crib and not crying when being held by people other than my mom and dad. The older I get the more fun I'm having!
P.S. Sorry to everyone I've cried / screamed at in the last while!
1 comment:
I think it's great that you tried rice cerial on your five month "birthday". Now maybe mom and dad will feed you when they eat and you won't have to sit there smacking your lips! I can hardly believe you cry when other people hold you! If that's the case, then a special thanks you to for the smiles and cuddles that you gave me this week.
- Wendy
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