Three Month Update:
I'm now 58 cm long and weigh a modest 10 lbs 8 oz.
My favourite things: going for walks in my stroller, talking, smiling and laughing, talking, playing on my playmat and in my activity chair, talking, listening to stories and music, talking, watching "Happy Feet" and talking (don't forget who's child this is afterall!).
I'm learning to: hold my head up on my own, reach out for and play with things on my playmat and in my chair.
Things I'm still not sure about: sleeping in my crib!
I was waiting for the three month picture, of course, and was not disappointed. That toy is getting smaller all the time! Cale - your crib is really a good place to be - don't be too worried about giving it a try! It was carefully chosen, and painstakingly put together by dad and mom, and believe me, they only picked the best for you!
About the diaper duty kit - we need to know what the apron says if you expect to get any offers to purchase.
Cale - be careful of the Eeyore eenfluence. They tend to multiply! But we are glad your Dad lets you play with them anyway. Love you G and G K
You are getting bigger and bigger. It's hard to believe that you are 3 months old already.
Diaper duty Kit. Are the proceeds going to you university fund?
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