Come On... Ya Know Ya Wanna!
After all these weeks of blogging, I'm wondering why most of you don't comment back? I know mom and dad would love to hear from you so here's how for those of you who are just not sure.
Click on "Comment" which is in the bottom right hand corner of each blog entry (see below). A window will come up with a message box. You can type away in there. Feel free to be wordy! Sign your name under your entry in the same box you were just typing in so we know who's writing to us and who's not (hint hint). Then click "Anonymous" to avoid the whole logging in / password thing. Then click "publish your comment". You're done and everyone's happy!
Looking forward to hearing from ALL of you!!!
See the comment button? ----------->
Yeah... you're cute enough. So cute I suppose you have left people completely speechless.
Unfortunately, I know I'm not one of the people who you want to hear from, as I'm pretty faithful about commenting regularly, either on the blog or in emails, but perhaps if I get the comments started.....
Today I saw your big smile. I tried the other night but nothing. Yes, you are cute enough for hugs and kisses and holding. I liked your exercise mat. You do alot with it already. I wonder what you will have for your Easter egg hunt next year. Looks like you started your first Easter egg hunt with style. Love Grandma and Grandpa K
I tried to resist commenting, but gee whillikers, that is one cute pose. Modest and adorable, shy but grinning, how much sweeter can it get? Awwww, shucks.
I think this latest update is for your Aunt Santhy, as you know I am not very good with the computer. Thanks for laying it out. You just get cuter and cuter by the day. Can't wait to see that beautiful smile in person.
Love Aunt Santhy
You are the cutest! Why don't you smile like this when you come to Grandma's house? Maybe next time??
Grandma F.
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