For those of you who remember Dollie, the following similarities between Cale and Dollie will come as no surprise to you. Kira and I had fun coming up with this list, the comparision is quite true. We always said that Dollie did a good job of preparing us for children!
Dollie and Cale are similar because:
10) When they finally fall asleep, you tip toe around them so not to wake them up.
9) 10 lbs each... no fat on these two.
8) They can both sleep through loud noises like buzzers, whistles, horns and music... but the sound of a paper bag wakes them right up!
7) Watch where you step... both leave behind pools of "spit up".
6) They go to the bathroom at the most inconvenient times.
5) Both can hold long conversations with you where neither side really knows what the other is trying to say.
4) Clockwork timing - Cale is always fussy at 7:00 pm (exactly) and always wakes up at 6:00 am (exactly). Dollie was the clockwork queen and always had a very "regular" schedule.
3) Both like being held, but neither really likes to be hugged and they try to squirm away.
2) Both have super cute booties!
1) And with both, we have never loved anything as much... yet been so frustrated at the same time!
Feel free to add your suggestions in the comment section!
11) Both are photogenic
12) Both know how to be on their best behaviour and look incredibly cute and be incredibly good for company
13)Both seem very small in a very big space, but manage to be in charge none-the-less.
Congratulations, but I see you are falling behind on updates, as it is now April 3rd.
I will check back often to see how your family is growing. Have fun and remember they grow up quickly so enjoy them while they are young.
Regina Noels.
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