Sunday, March 25, 2007

Happy Birthday Daddy!

It's my daddy's birthday today and I want to tell him how much I love him. My mom tells me he is 30. Hmmm... how many weeks is that?

I asked him what he wanted for his birthday and he said, "a good night sleep". But I think that's pretty boring. Besides I love spending time with him. So, instead, I am going to cover him with slobbery kisses and give him lots of smiles. I'm sure that will be a better present than boring old sleep any day!


I had my immunizations on Tuesday. It's funny how upset mom and dad got and they didn't even get a needle. I did fine. I had a bit of a fever that night and the next day just to make mom and dad feel really sorry for me but other than that, easy peasy.

The health nurse did lots of other tests at the appointment and I passed all of them with flying colours. I'm growing lots and am now 9 pounds 12 ounces and I am 56 cm. long. I have officially gone to the next size of diapers and am starting to outgrow some of my clothes. Mom is having lots of fun dressing me up. I'm pretty handsome if I do say so myself.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Naps With Dad

Dad and I have great naps together... sometimes I sleep too!

I actually haven't been sleeping much nor have I been my usual calm, quiet self because I haven't felt very good over the past couple of weeks. I've been "tested" for lactose intollerance and examined to see if I have a cold. Turns out I won't have to start bottle feeding or taking any meds (besides my Gripe Water and Ovol) because I just have regular old colic. I guess it will be Mom and Dad who will get "tested" now instead!!!!! So much for those naps Dad! Now you know how Mom and I feel!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Not Impressed!!!!

Dear Oiler GM Kevin Lowe,

My son and I are quite disappointed that you traded away Ryan Smyth, the heart and soul of our team. You can tell by our sour expressions that our hurt will not be soothed easily. Perhaps all Oiler fans should be given a soother so we can literally hear the giant sucking sound of our team!


One big and one small cry-baby

Thanks Kitchener Staff!

Thanks for hosting a nice luncheon for us. It was good to spend time with the Kitchener family! Cale was in great hands with all of you. A future Cougar perhaps...?