Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Toddler's Favorite Things

Here's a collection of some short videos/pictures of a few of my favorite things. I love to dance, feed myself, help dad vacuum, play on my playground and spin while I read. Independence is the best thing now that I'm becoming a toddler. I don't like to eat anymore unless I'm feeding myself and I just go over to the CD player and turn on the music myself. For those of you wondering (Wendy and Kathryn we can hear you asking already) I'm reading about the Rashaayda Bedouin. I'm soooo culturally aware!


Wendy Sawatzky said...

Thanks so much for sharing the title of the book you were reading, Cale. You're right - I definitely would have asked.

Now, might I suggest Rachmaninov's Symphony #2 for your next listening pleasure? It might be more in keeping with your cultural sensitivities, (evidenced by your reading choices) than "Shake Your Sillies Out". Having said that, the "Sillies" song is very useful throughout life, without question.

Just a question -- is your dad handling this whole "feeding yourself" thing O.K.?

K said...

Chris liked the jumping best. I liked the yawning best. We both loved it!!! Cale, you look awesome!

By the way, we have an extra copy of Karl Marx' "Das Kapital," if he's finished with the Bedouin volume. But, unfortunately, it's been translated from the original German; I'm sure Cale would be totally angewidert.

Anonymous said...

It is good to see that you Cale has adequate space to do the movements. I felt that the spins were a kind of harbinger for some form of figure skating, or perhaps incredible stick handling for the Calg.. oops Edmonton Oilers.
Grandpa K