Tuesday, June 10, 2008

How Many Words Can I Say You Ask?

Since a few of you have been asking, here is the list of words I say regularly.

mama, dada, hi, yes, bye bye, up,
ball, bath, no, garbage
apple, cheese, banana, potato
happy, ow, 'ama (grandma), Elmo, shoes
Eeyore, video, see you, miss you,
nine, baby

1 comment:

Wendy Sawatzky said...

Dear Cale,
Good work on the words. The most interesting are: video, (try DVD next), garbage (coming next - dust, dirt, Mr. Clean) and nine (what happened to one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, and eight?) Actually, you probably already know those numbers, and just 'think' them, so the first one necessary to say audibly is nine -- or alternately, you are thinking of 99, the number on the jersey of a previously famous Edmonton Oiler.