Monday, January 15, 2007

The Arrival!

He's Here!!!!!

January 15th (Martin Luther King Jr. Day and 3 days before his beloved Aunt Lisa's B'day)at 9:26 am, the world was introduced to our pride and joy, Cale Morrison Fladager. At 6 lbs 15 oz. and 50.5 cm long he came bursting onto the scene with a good strong cry and a twinkle in his eye! He has a good amount of brown wavy hair and brown / green eyes. He is as healthy and happy as his mom with his dad's sense of seriousness and down to businessness.
The birth was relatively short after having waited out most of the bad parts at home before going to the hospital. This made the whole experience go by rather quickly and uneventfully.
Both sets of grandparents as well as aunt Lisa, uncle Trevor and friend Wendy have been by to see him. You can see them beaming and looking on with wonder in the posted photos.
Thanks to all who have been waiting so patiently / impatiently, your prayers and well wishes are appreciated!
Check out the posting that explains the meaning behind the name and the great DAY 1 pictures we took. Such a handsome boy!


Anonymous said...

Born One day before his uncle Kris's birthday. He is beautiful and does look very serious, must be all those Jan. babies. Wish we could hold him and give him lots of kisses. Please do so on our behalf.
The Vibes

Anonymous said...

It was great to hold our new little Grandson. He is sooooo sweet and perfect. Mom and Dad look very well after no sleep and first time parents. Love you three. Grandpa and Grandma K

T Kaiser said...

Such great news and wonderful pictures!!

When we told the boys the news and the name, Sam's immediate reaction was, "Cale!! That's the name of a Teen Titan!"

Bet you didn't think of that!

So welcome to the world, Cale Morrison Titan Fladager!

Teri says, "sooo cute and wish I could hold him."
She has a sudden yearning for babies so I have to close now.

The Hong Kong Kaisers

T Kaiser said...

I would like to correct my dad that the name Cale is also the name of a character in a movie called Titan AE.

I am also drawing a picture for Cale.


Sam Kaiser